Share your story
Trained as a marketer and salesperson, I started my own business for two reasons: To put forward my passion for baking and DIY but also to have a second financial entry. It’s been two years since I took the big step and I admit that it’s not easy. It’s a continuous reflection, challenges every day, needs. At one point, I had to take a break to better analyze the situation and bounce back without having to stop along the way. Well, it was in this phase that the JAMII Femmes training came at just the right time. To have been selected in this cohort is a chance that I knew how to seize and that I hope will reserve me beautiful and extraordinary surprises.
Your JAMII Femmes experience
The training was a real advantage. I was able to discover new skills that will help me throughout my career. I also discovered on the platform people who have the same ambitions as me and therefore could be potential partners, why not? Belonging to this community is a sharing of knowledge and interesting experiences.
Finally, a quote on your motivation, your vision of Africa or your personal ambitions
Rise and Shine